
Our Track & Field season typically runs from March through the first week in August and our Cross Country season typically runs from September through the first week in December.  Preseason track conditioning starts in February.  The registration and information meeting occurs during the first week in March.  The Central Florida Gliders Track & Field and Cross Country programs are for boys and girls age division 9 and older, no matter the experience level.  Some 8 year-olds may be eligible, depending on maturity. Our elite training division is for the very serious athlete and is limited to the open, post-collegiate, high school, and masters age groups. The third family member gets a free registration. 
Note: THERE ARE NO PRO-RATED FEES FOR THE SEASON AND NO REGISTRATION REFUNDS and no substitutions for the 3 (three) free meets included in the track season registration. New members can try out a couple of practices to see if they like it before payment is required, but must register first. Upon signing this registration form, you acknowledge that you have read our Waiver of Liability document and Agreement outlined under the track program tab about wearing masks and social distancing and agree to sign a waiver concerning any liability resulting from covid infections while attending practice.



  Season Club Membership Fee Uniform Fee Other Costs
Track & Field (Age divisions 9 and older)k & Field (Age divisions 9 and older) Mar-Jul (6 mths) New Rate / Renewal Rate:                

    • *$375 New / $275 Renewal per season
      which includes 3 (three) designated meets on the schedule


    • **200 / $150 per season (after May 1st: Only applies to high school or Elite athletes)


  • Elite = ***$100/$150 per month


    • *Other Meet Fees $10 – $45 per meet


    • Spectator Admission & Parking


    • Travel, Lodging & Meals


  • AAU and/or USATF Annual Membership
Cross Country or Conditioning (Age divisions 9 and older) Sep – Dec (3.5 months) New Rate / Renewal Rate:                

    • $300 New / $230 Renewal per season 


    • **Post-season fee =$200 / $150 per season only available to high school students after their season is over


  • Elite = ***$100/$150 per month



    • Spectator Admission & Parking


    • Travel, Lodging & Meals


  • AAU and/or USATF Annual Membership


Notes: National Track Championships1st wk Aug Cross country
1st wk Dec
    • There is no membership fee for the 3rd or more immediate family member, but they must pay a $100 meets *fee.


    • Must be paid within 1 (one) calendar week of first practice


    • NO CASH.  Check, money order or online payments only.  Include athletes name and purpose with payment


    • Club membership and uniform fees are non-refundable


    • *Track registration fee includes 3 (three) free Glider designated meets


    • **The reduced rate only applies to high school athletes that compete on their school’s JV or Varsity Track & Field or Cross Country teams, respectively and join us in May or November, after their official seasons. No meet fees included.


  • ***A $100 elite registration fee per season is also required upon sign-up.
    • Athletes must provide their own full black spandex, compression or running shorts.


    • The same singlet is used for cross country and track & field.


  • Order early as singlets are delivered 4-8 weeks after ordering.
  • Athletes may use fundraisers to help defray the cost of national championship participation.

Registration Steps


  1. Complete and submit the online club registration/liability waiver form before your first practice.
  2. Within one week of your first practice, purchase an AAU athlete membership online at (look for the “Join Now” logo). Make sure you use the Glider’s AAU team number on our home page when you register such that you are assigned to our club.  AAU athlete memberships cost $14 or $16; and are valid Sept 1 – Aug 31.  (Elite athletes check with coach first.)
  3. Within one week of your first practice, email a copy of AAU membership card to
  4. Within one week of your first practice, pay the club membership fee and uniform fee (if needed) online, via mail or hand deliver check at practice.
  5. There are no registration refunds and no substitutions for the free meets included in the registration.


Athletes will not be allowed to practice until their registration/liability waiver form has been submitted.  If an athlete brings a friend to practice, the friend must have a completed registration form too.   Please make all checks payable to the Central Florida Gliders.  Include athlete name(s) and purpose(s) of payment.

Complete Online Registration Here


AAU/USATF Annual Memberships

The Central Florida Gliders organization is registered with both Junior Olympic groups – USA Track & Field (USATF) and USA Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) – and desires its athletes to be members also. Individual athlete memberships are required for athletes to participate in many AAU and USATF competitions.   Get your AAU membership immediately, but wait for coaches instruction on when and if to get a USATF membership ( Use the Gliders Club Codes on the homepage.

Other Expenses

While the registration fee covers four meets, many competitions charge entry fees and spectator admission fees.
Other expenses may include competition outside of the Orlando area that requires travel and lodging expenses.
Registration documents are disposed each calendar year.  New documents are needed each year.



Both AAU and USATF have age divisions for competition. Your age is determined by what age you are on December 31.