Track and Field


Welcome to The Gliders outdoor Track & Field season which officially starts March 6th with the Parents Information meeting 5:30 pm at Sanlando Park, 410 W Highland Ave and runs through July. The program is open to boys and girls eight (8) and older and athletes may continue to join through the end of April (end of May for high school and experienced athletes). Practice is typically 5:30pm- 7pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Lake Brantley track or Sanlando Park. To join or renew with the Gliders, simply fill out the online registration form and pay online (preferred) or by check at the next scheduled practice. New members can try out a couple of practices before payment is due, but must be registered to work out. All members will have acknowledge or sign a waiver concerning the pandemic. New members should review our web site and read the information under the track program including the Parent Handbook, the FAQs as well as the schedule which answers most questions.For other questions, contact us at
Central Florida Gliders Track Club PO Box 161965 Altamonte Springs, FL  327142025 Track & Field - 2025 Schedule (1)

Gliders Team Store  
Parent Information SheetWaiver of Liability document and Agreement 

CENTRAL FLORIDA GLIDERS Covid questionaire2024 Track Season Summary

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release  August 7, 2024
Gliders Compete at several National Championships
PR 2024 Track USATF Natl_AAU JO

2024 Track Season Summary

NEWS RELEASE For immediate release:  August 5, 2023
Central Florida Gliders Travel to Multiple National Championships
2023 July 24th – July 27th  
Two (2) athletes from the Central Florida Gliders Track and Field team traveled to the newly renovated Hayward field in Eugene, Oregon to compete in the 2023 USATF Jr Olympic National Track & Field Championships.

Connor McCarthy of Longwood competed in the 15-16 boys age group and medaled in the decathlon scoring PRs in 6 events to stand on the podium in 6th place. In the girl’s 13-14 age division, his sister, Meghan competed in the 1500 meters. Results at

At the AAU National Track Champions ships in Des Moines, Iowa, four (4) Gliders competed from July 29 to August 5th at the Drake Stadium, home of the Drake Relays. Nadia Cohen of Oviedo competed in the girls 13-year-old age division where she competed in three events: 100m hurdles, 200m hurdles and the Long Jump setting PRs in the hurdles and placing in the top 20 in all 3 of her events. Her brother Noah competed in the high jump and placed 18th in the javelin in the 10-year-old age group.

in the 14-year-old division also competing for the Gliders was Soliel Schnoor, also of Oviedo, competing in her first year, set a PR in her 800 meters and long jump. Makayla Claudio, of Longwood, also in her first year of national track, competed in the 400 meters. 
Results at:

Coach and Business Manager Rose Rodriquez said, “The athletes performed well at the national meet. There were a huge number of heats for each individual age group and the competition was steep. They all tried their hardest and that resulted in some new personal records. As coaches that is all we can ask for from the athletes is to show up and give it their all.”

The Central Florida Gliders Track Club has been attending national competitions since 1990 and is a long-standing member of both USA Track and Field (USATF) and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). More information about the Gliders’ history, accomplishments, community outreach programs and registration sign-ups can be found on our web site.

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Contact:   Coaches:

Tony Burgos, Larry Davis, Steve McCarthy, Rose Rodriguez, Kamal Wise, Neamen Wise, Craig Wise


NEWS RELEASE For immediate release:  Aug 9, 2022

Central Florida Gliders Travel to Multiple National Championships and Bring Home Medals!

June 29th – July 2nd four (4) athletes from the Central Florida Gliders Track and Field team traveled to Icahn Stadium in the heart of New York City, NY to compete in the 2022 USATF National Youth Outdoor Championships. They competed in a total of 13 events and brought home 8 medals.

Alexa Bender competed in the 13-14 girls age group and medaled in all 4 of her events. The highest being the gold medal in the triple jump where she jumped 31’8”. She also got on the podium and took home medals for 4th in the 100m Hurdles, 5th in the High Jump and 6th in the Long Jump. Her performances earned her the status of USATF MVP for girls in her age group in field events.

Nadia Cohen competed in the 11-12 girls age group and medaled in all 3 of her events. She had some pretty significant PRs in all her events which earned her 3rd in the Long Jump where she jumped 16’4.5”. The competition was tight all the way until the end with the top 3 in her age group being only inches apart from each other. She also earned 4th place in the 80m Hurdles and 7th in the 400m. Angelica Wolfe also competed in the 11-12 girls age group. Her first year running hurdles and she placed 10th along with placing 10th in the 800 and 11th in the 400m.

Our youngest athlete, Noah Cohen competed in the 9-10 boys age group in the 400m and high jump. His best event of the competition was the Javelin where he threw 69′ 3.5” which earned him a 6th place medal.

July 30th – August 6th nine (9) athletes from the Central Florida Gliders Track and Field team traveled to NC A&T, in Greensboro, NC to compete in the 2022 AAU Junior Olympics. They competed in a total of 10 events and brought home 2 medals.

Our youngest athlete at Junior Olympics was Sydney Africk in the 9-year-old girls division and competed in the turbo javelin and high jump placing in the top 20 for both events. Isaiah Thompson competed in the 10-year-old boys division placing 15th in the long jump.

Angelica Wolfe competed in the 11-year-old girls division in the long jump and brought home medals for 8th place in the 800m and 80m Hurdles. Also competing in the same age division was Amyia Jackson. She competed in the long jump and 100m.  

We had 4 athletes competing in the 15–16-year-old age division across multiple events. Tristen Washington placed 9th in the 200m and competed in the 100m and long jump. Carson McManus competed in the 110 Hurdles, 400m Hurdles and Javelin. U’nitee competed in the girl’s division in the shot put. Landon Holt competed in the 800m. Calista Mason also competed in the 800m in the 17-18 girls’ division.

Coach Wise founded the Central Florida Gliders in 1989. The club has been attending national competitions since 1990. A long-standing member of both USA Track and Field (USATF) and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). The Central Florida Gliders Track Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and the oldest youth running club servicing the area for more than thirty (30) years. The club is operated by volunteer coaches and administrators producing individual and team national champions while promoting active, healthy lifestyles and emphasizing community service. More information about the Gliders’ history, accomplishments, events, and community outreach programs can be found at

2022 Track Season Summary

The 2022 track season started with pre-training in February with the first practice and the annual registration meeting starting the first week in March. We still had covid protocols, but the pandemic eased as the season went on. In April, several high school Gliders competed and qualified in the regional and state championships while local youth competition lasted through May.

In June, the Gliders competed in AAU district and regional meets and qualified a number a number of athletes to the AAU Nationals in Greensboro.  Also, a number of Gliders competed in the USATF Youth Nationals in New York where the team won 8 medals and set PRs. At the 2022 USA Track Nationals in Eugene, Oregon, a former Glider won the championship in the triple jump,

In July at the at the AAU Club Nationals which this year was at Dr. Phillips High School, instead of the usual Disney location, the Gliders won several medals and qualified more athletes to the AAU Nationals in Greensboro. At the AAU Nationals, 9 of our athletes competed and won 2 medals and set several personal records. At the 2022 World Track Championships for the first time in the United States in Eugene, a former Glider competed and finished 6th in the world in the triple jump.

Our athletes are not just outstanding in track & Field, but accomplished in many other areas also: Angelica Wolfe is in gifted class, has maintained “A” honor roll, and was recently informed that she qualifies and will be enrolled in the Rigorous Accelerated Math Pathway. Aside from her academic achievements, she plays flag football in which was the only girl and scored the most thanks to her speed from track. She also plays volleyball.

Tristen Washington is a multi-sport athlete who runs high school cross country, plays racket ball, and is learning to play golf. He is an A/B student earning all A’s in the 4th quarter of 9th grade. He also received high scores on all his FSA and AP exams. 

Other than track & field, this year Sydney Africk competed and performed for the music federation and guild in a few local piano competitions consisting of a solo piece, a concerto with her teacher, and a duet with a classmate. Her scores in all three allowed her to attend the state competition at USF where she received honorable mention. She received these accolades because she practices every day. 

U’nitee Brown is a thrower, sprinter and long-jumper who’s about to enter into her Junior year at Winter Springs High School. She has maintained A/B Honor Roll all year with a 3.4 GPA and has been named the Huey Magoos Athlete of the Week twice this track school year, as well as competing in the state high school meet. She also placed 6th at State in weightlifting.

Karis Reese is entering her Senior year at Lake Mary High School.  She maintains a 4.4 GPA, and she has made the Principal’s Honor Roll for Academic Achievement each Semester of her Junior year.

Amyia Jackson is a A/B honor student, with science being one of her favorite subjects. She’s also a very well rounded child that catches on to things extremely fast. Lastly she’s a very dedicated sister to her two siblings.

Annika Hoefler maintains a 5.0 grade point average and is an officer in the Winter Park High NJROTC program. She recently earned the title of FAA Certified Drone Pilot. Annika is also a varsity weightlifter and was first in state for 4-H air rifle. 

Emily Hanus is an honor student (4.1 gpa) at Hagerty High and plays basketball, volleyball and is a javelin/discus thrower.  She also a singer in the Hagerty choir, and church band.
She enjoys snow skiing, wave runnning, and travel.

Madeline Hanus is a 4.0 gpa student, plays AAU basketball, soccer and is a 2nd degree black belt, and mid-distance runner and thrower on her school track team, as well as student council member.  She also enjoys cross country, snow skiing, rowing, and wave running.

Many thanks to the Track Shack, Duke Energy, Publix, Amazon, Kohls, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and all our sponsors, alumni and supporters who helped made this season possible.

Central Florida Gliders Track Club
PO Box 161965 Altamonte Springs 32714

#  #   #
Coaches Tony Burgos, Kamal Wise, Neamen Wise, Craig Wise, Larry Davis, Rose Rodriguez
Central Florida Gliders
P.O. Box 161965
Altamonte Springs, FL  32716
2022 Gliders Competition Schedule
2022 Track Season - Schedule3

2021 Track Season Summary
The 2020 track season was cancelled because of the pandemic so we were real happy to complete the 2021 season. The first practice and the annual registration meeting started the first week in March with strict covid protocols. In April, several high school Gliders competed and medaled in the regional and state championships while local competition lasted through May. In June, the Gliders competed in the USATF Youth Nationals in Rome, GA where the team won 14 medals including 4 gold. At AAU Club Nationals at Disney, the Gliders won several medals and qualified athletes for the AAU Nationals in Houston, but no Gliders competed in Houston. In July at the USATF Jr Olympics National Championships in Jacksonville, several Gliders competed with one winning Gold in 2 events. At the 2020 Olympics in Toyko, a former Glider finished 7th in the triple jump finals.

Many thanks to the Track Shack, Duke Energy, Help Kids Play Sports, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and all our sponsors, alumni and supporters who helped made this season possible.

Central Florida Gliders Track Club
PO Box 161965 Altamonte Springs 32714

Congratulations to Our 2021 Winners2021 TRACK SEASON
USATF National Jr. Olympic Track & Field Championships
 – Jacksonville, FL
Tristen Washington – 1st Place Gold Medal – Long Jump – 13/14 Boys
Tristen Washington – 1st Place Gold Medal – 100m – 13/14 Boys
Tristen Washington – 2nd Place Silver Medal – 200m – 13/14 Boys 

USATF Youth National Championships – Rome, GA
Tristen Washington – 1st Place Gold Medal – Long Jump – 13/14 Boys
Tristen Washington – 1st Place Gold Medal – 200m – 13/14 Boys
Dawson Berhowsky – 1st Place Gold Medal – High Jump – 13/14 Girls
Dawson Berhowsky – 2nd Place Silver Medal – Long Jump – 13/14 Girls
Angelica Wolfe – 1st Place Gold Medal – Long Jump – 9/10 Girls
Angelica Wolfe – 2nd Place Silver Medal – 400m – 9/10 Girls
Noah Cohen – 2nd Place Silver Medal – Shot Put – 8 & under Boys
Noah Cohen – 2nd Place Silver Medal – Javelin – 8 & under Boys
Layla Fuller – 2nd Place Silver Medal – 1500 meters – 13/14 Girls
Layla Fuller – 3rd Place Bronze Medal – 800 meters – 13/14 Girls
Carson McManus – 2nd Place Silver Medal – 400mH – 15/16 boys 



Central Florida Gliders Compete in National
Track and Field Championships in Greensboro NC.

 Altamonte Springs, FL – Central Florida Gliders athletes traveled to the AAU Junior Olympics, held July 28 – August 3 at A&T University Greensboro NC.

Nadia Cohen won the gold medal and National Championship in the 9-year-old girls division for her 13’1” long jump and also had an excellent performance in the 800-meter run. Ariana Jimenez brought home 3 medals in the girl’s 17-18 division:  3rd in the 3000-meter run, 4th in the 2000-meter steeplechase and 6th in the 1500-meter run. Layla Fuller medaled in the girl’s 11-year old division with 4th in the 800-meter run and also 4th in the 1500-meter run while Abigail Cupo medaled 4th in the 3000-meter race walk in the girl’s 14-year-old division.

Other Central Florida Gliders who qualified and competed at the AAU National Championships included; Makaila Fuller in the Triathlon and the shot put, Cali Mason 100m Hurdles, Savannah Heilman in the 1500m and 3000m, Alexa Bender, Pentathlon, Long Jump and High jump, Dawson Berehowsky High Jump, Kennedi Ary Long Jump, Madalyn King 800 m, Madeline Eide shot put, Carson McManus High Jump, 100 m and 200 m Hurdles and William Heilman 1500m, all with excellent performances where they improved in their personal records.

According to Head Track Coach Tony Burgos, “This has been a very good season for us, with 14 athletes qualifying for nationals with outstanding performances where everyone was able to set new personal records.  We congratulate all Central Florida Gliders athletes and parents as this year has proved that hard work pays off. Thanks to our coaching staff: Coach Winston, Coach Neamen, Coach Ryan, Coach Rose, Coach Kim and Coach Wise as well as our amazing parents for being so actively involved. Now we are looking forward to cross country season!”

The national meets are the culmination of the Central Florida Gliders 2019 track and field season, which includes many local and regional competitions. Thanks to our main sponsor Track Shack as well as Duke Energy and our Glider alumni for making this season possible.

The Central Florida Gliders Track Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit youth running club servicing the Central Florida area for 30 years. The club trains in Altamonte Springs and has produced numerous individual and team national champions while promoting active, healthy lifestyles education and community service.   More information about the Gliders’ history, events, accomplishments, and community outreach programs can be found at

Central Florida Gliders contacts via “Tony” Burgos, Head Track Coach
Craig D. Wise, Executive Director        


2019 Track Season Recap
Conditioning for track this year started in January and continued through March.

In January the Gliders again competed in the indoor track events in Birmingham, Alabama and Daytona at Emory Riddle University. The first practice and the annual registration meeting started the first week in March as well as local competition which lasted through May. In April, several high school Gliders competed and medaled in the regional and state championships. The Gliders had a cookout in March and several fundraisers throughout the season.

In June, the Gliders competed in the AAU district ad Regional Meets to qualify 17 athletes to the AAU Nationals in Greensboro, NC. In July at the AAU Club Nationals at Disney, the Gliders won several medals and qualified additional athletes for the AAU Nationals in Greensboro.

Also in July at the USA National Championships in Des Moines, a Glider alumni won the gold medal in the triple jump and will represent the USA at the world championships as well as competed in the international Diamond League pro series. Another Glider who is a Para Olympian qualified for the Pan American Games in Peru in August.

At the AAU Nationals in Greensboro, fourteen Gliders competed and won seven medals for finishing in the top eight in their age division including a gold medal in the long jump. The Gliders won five medals in the distance events and one medal in the race walk. In August, the Gliders concluded the season with the annual season-end event where the athletes, parents and coaches were recognized.

Many thanks to the Track Shack, Duke Energy, Help Kids Play Sports, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and all our sponsors and supporters who helped made this track season possible by supporting our fund-raisers.


2018 Track Season Recap
Conditioning for track this year started in the fall and continued through March. In January the Gliders again competed in the indoor meets in Birmingham, Alabama and Daytona at Emory Riddle University. The first practice and the annual registration meeting started the first week in March as well as local competition which lasted through May. In April, several high school Gliders competed in the regional and state championships. The Gliders had a cookout in March and a recognition party recognizing the coaches and our high school athletes leaving for college.

In June, the Gliders competed in the USATF district qualifier at Showalter Field and qualified 23 athletes for the regional championships in Rome, GA. Also in June a Glider competed in the New Balance Outdoor Championships, earning a third place bronze medal in the 800 meters. Later in June, the Gliders competed at the regional championships in Rome, qualifying 6 athletes to the USATF Nationals in Greensboro, NC. At the USA National Championships in Des Moines, a Glider alumni won the national championship in the triple jump and competed in the international Diamond League pro series. In the second week of July at the AAU Club Nationals at Disney, the Gliders won several medals and qualified some additional athletes for the AAU Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa.

At the USATF Nationals in Greensboro, a Glider won a medal in the pentathlon while at the AAU National Championships in Des Moines, the Gliders earned 3 medals in the 1500 meters, the 100 hurdles, and high jump. In August, the Gliders concluded the season with the annual season-end party in Longwood where the athletes, parents and coaches were recognized.

Many thanks to the Track Shack, Publix, Chic-Fil-A, Help Kids Play Sports, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and all our sponsors, supporters and  individuals who made this track season possible supporting our fund-raisers.

Central Florida Gliders Track Club
PO Box 161965 Altamonte Springs 32714


August 6, 2018

R: Central Florida Gliders Track Club competes at the AAU and USATF National Championships.

At the recent AAU National Championships in Des Moines, Iowa, the Gliders won three (3) medals.
Layla Fuller won the a third-place bronze medal in the 10-year girl’s 1500 meters in a time of 5:19.04. She also competed in the 800 meters. Roderick (RJ) Horton also won a third-place bronze medal in the 14  year old boy’s division in the high jump with a leap of 1.75 meters (5’8 3/4”) and he also earned an 8th place medal in the 100 meter hurdles in 14:12.
Results at:

At the USATF Nationals in Greensboro, NC the previous week, RJ also won a 5th place medal in the 13-14 boys pentathlon with a total of 2696 points, winning the high jump and the hurdles in the multi-event competition. Results at:

Michael Bondzie also competed in Des Moines in the 15-16 boy’s 200 and 400 meters while in Greensboro, Carson Mcmanus competed in the 11-12 boys high jump, Abigail Cupo in the 13-14 girl’s 3000 meter race-walk, Noelle Vu in 800 meters and the 3000 meters along with Alexa Bender in the high jump and long jump and Nadia Cohen in the long jump and 400 meters.

Congratulations to all our athletes that competed this season and for the Personal Records they achieved. And big thanks to all our sponsors that helped get our athletes to regional and national competition.

Tony Burgos, Head Track Coach
Craig Wise, Executive Director & Coach

 2017 Track Season Recap
Conditioning for track this year started in the fall and continued through March. In January several Gliders competed in an Alabama indoor meet and then in March began to compete in local meets through May.  At the end of April, the Gliders celebrated its 25th Annual Spring Track Classic, which was attended by over 800 athletes throughout Florida; several records were broken; and there were special custom medals and prizes. Also in May, several high school Gliders competed in the regional and state championships.In June, the Gliders competed at Northwest Express meet in south Florida and the AAU qualifiers where the club qualified 25 athletes for the national championships in Ypsilanti, MI, near Detroit. Also in June a Glider competed in the New Balance Outdoor Championships, earning a first gold place medal in the race-walk. Later in June that same atthlete won the USA Jr Nationals and represented the US at the Pan-Am Games in Peru. At the USA National Championships, a Glider alumni placed in the top 3 and was chosen for the USA team to compete at the World Championships in London where he placed 13th in the triple jump, just missing the finals. In the second week of July at the AAU Club Nationals at Disney, the Gliders won several medals, including a national championship in the high jump; and some additional athletes qualified for the AAU Nationals.At the AAU National Championships in August, the Gliders won four (4) individual medals and most of our athletes attained personal records. While in Detroit, the Gliders had a picnic at Belle Isle Park and toured downtown and the riverfront. Later in the month, the Gliders concluded the season with the annual season-end party where athletes, parents and coaches were recognized.

Many thanks to the Track Shack, Chic-Fil-A, Community Health Centers, Duke Energy, Help Kids Play Sports, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and our other sponsors, supporters and individuals who made this track season possible by advertising in our track meet program and donating to our GoFundMe account.


August 7, 2017          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:

Central Florida Gliders Compete in AAU National Track and Field Championships in Ypsilanti, Michigan

 Altamonte Springs, FL –  Central Florida Gliders athletes traveled to the AAU Junior Olympics, held July 29– August 5 at the Eastern Michigan University near Detroit, Michigan.

At the recent AAU Junior Olympic Games for Track and Field, with a participation of 15 athletes, several Gliders were on the awards podium winning four (4) individual medals: Roderick Horton in the in the 13 year boys high jump with a 2nd place silver medal and personal best of 5’7”; Antonio Parker in the high jump with a 6th finish in the 12 year old boys division; Johnny Hollie Jr. in the high jump with a 4th place finish in the 17-18 boys division and Jolynn Rodriguez who placed 8th in the 3000 meter run in the 11 year old girls division.

Also competing for the Gliders girls’ team at Ypsilanti were Alexa Bender in long and the high jumps, Gianna Ojeda in the turbo-javelin, Abigail Cupo in the 3000m run and 1500m walk, Vianney Ojeda in the outdoor pentathlon, Alerie Parker and Jessica Nolte in the high jump. For the boys team Donovan Perry in the 100m and the 200m dashes, Corey Johnson in the 1500m and 3000m runs, Chimani Chery 400m and 800m, Reginald Horton javelin throw, Christian Burrell, 110m hurdles and the long jump. Antonio and Johnny also competed in the long jump.

According to Head Track Coach Tony Burgos, “This has been a very good season for us, with 15 athletes qualifying for nationals and with great representation and outstanding performances where everyone was able to set new personal records.  We congratulate all Central Florida Gliders athletes and parents as this year has proved that hard work pays off. Thanks to our coaching staff: Coach Craig Wise, Coach Winston Hobson, Coach Kim Bender, Team Manager and Coach Ryan King for all the time they have put in to work with all our kids. Kudos also to our parents for all the support, especially Ms. Marie Parker and Ms. Sharron Horton. Now we’re looking forward to the fall cross country season as well as the indoor track season!”

The national meets are the culmination of the Central Florida Gliders 2017 track and field season, which includes many local and regional competitions. The Glider organization trains in the Altamonte Springs area and many thanks go to our sponsors and supporters for making this season possible.

The Central Florida Gliders Track Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit youth running club servicing the Central Florida area for more than 27 years. The club has produced numerous individual and team national champions while promoting active, healthy lifestyles and community service.  More information about the Gliders’ history, accomplishments, events, and community outreach programs can be found at  Contact via:

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Central Florida Gliders 25th Annual Track Meet Results

Press Release: Central Florida Gliders 2017 Classic

FOR RELEASE April 30, 2017

25th Annual Central Florida Gliders Spring Track Classic
Brings Area Athletes Together, Sets New Meet Records

Altamonte Springs, FL – Over 700 athletes competed today at the 25th Annual Central Florida Gliders Spring Track Classic, held at Lake Brantley High School in Altamonte Springs, Florida making it the oldest open and youth track meet in central Florida. With supporters lining the track and filling the stands, the athletes ran, jumped, and threw in competition for commemorative meet medals, ribbons, and a chance to enter the meet records book as three meet records were broken. Although all age groups competed, including athletes from far away as Canada and South America, the Gliders Annual Spring Track Classic was created to give youth competitors a quality, well-run event prior to the state and national championships.

“It’s always an exciting day. Club track is just now getting into full swing before the state and national qualifiers”, said Gliders Founder and Meet Director Craig Wise. “We had good participation from around the state and thank everyone who came out to make this a great competition and a successful event. Since the annual Spring Track Classic is the club’s largest fundraiser of the year, we especially thank those sponsors that helped to make it happen,”, said Wise.

The Central Florida Gliders Track Club, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the oldest youth running club in the Central Florida area serving the community for 28 years. The club has produced numerous individual and team national champions while promoting active, healthy lifestyles, academic responsibility and community service. with area youth. More information about the Glider’s history, accomplishments, events, and community outreach programs as well as the results can be found at

Central Florida Gliders, Inc.
P.O. Box 161965, Altamonte Springs, FL 32716, (407) 682-1368,

2016 Track Season Summary
Practice started in February and in March the Gliders began to compete in local meets through May. At the end of April, the Gliders hosted its 24thAnnual Spring Track Classic, which was attended by over 800 athletes from all over Florida and several records were broken. Also in May, high school Gliders competed in the regional and state championships.

In the beginning of June, the Gliders competed at Northwest Express meet in south Florida and the AAU qualifiers where the club qualified 23 athletes for the national championships in Houston. Also in June one of Gliders competed in the New Balance Outdoor Championships, earning a bronze third-place medal in the one mile freshman race-walk. In the second week of July at the AAU Club Nationals at Disney, the Gliders won several medals and the club qualified additional athletes for the AAU nationals.

At the AAU National Championships, most of our athletes attained personal records and our relays were competitive. In August, the Gliders concluded the season with the annual season-end party.

Many thanks go to the Track Shack, Help Kids Compete, Community Health Centers, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and many other supporters that made this track season possible.

Central Florida Gliders Compete in National Track and Field Championships in Humble, Texas

Altamonte Springs, FL – Athletes from the Central Florida Gliders Track Club traveled to the National AAU Junior Olympic Games for Track and Field, held July 30 – August 7, 2016 in the Houston area, Texas area. This national meet is the culmination of the Gliders 2016 track and field season, which includes many local and regional competitions.

At the Nationals, Gliders who qualified and competed included Justyce Berry (100 meters and 200 Meters), Jordan Butler (High Jump & 4×100 relay), Adrian Burgos (4×100 Relay),  Chimany Cherry (High Jump and 800 meter), Kiona Clelland-Goddard (Long Jump, 100 meter Hurdles and 4×100 Relay) Marcus Guy Jr (400 meters and 4×100 Relay), Kyle Johnson (Long Jump and 80 meters Hurdles), Connor McCarthy (Triathlon), Jessica Nolte (high jump), Andrew Owens (4×100 Relay), Alerie Parker (High Jump) Antonio Parker (high jump & long jump), Vianney Ojeda (Long Jump, High Jump & 80 Meter hurdles), Gianna Ojeda (Turbo Javelin), Alexandra Rodriguez (4×100 relay) Roberto Salamo (High Jump and 4×100 relay), Lexie Starks (100 meter, and 4×100 relay), Michelle Surin (High Jump and 4×100 relay), Amari Whetro (1500-meter & 800 meter races) & Alysa Whetro (Pentathlon, 100 meter Hurdles & High Jump).

“This has been a very good season for us, with 23 athletes qualifying for nationals and with great representation and outstanding performances where many of our athletes set new personal records at their first trip to Nationals” said Head Track Coach Tony Burgos.  We congratulate all Central Florida Gliders athletes and parents as this year has proved that hard work pays off. Many thanks go to our supporters whose donations helped finance this trip and to our coaching staff— Craig Wise, Mark Robinson, Winston Hobson, Marcus Guy, Tom Kruger, Mindy Wethro and Bill Powell,—for the time they have put in to prepare our kids. Now we’re looking forward to the upcoming cross country season and the AAU National Championships in Tallahassee!”

The Central Florida Gliders Track Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit youth running club servicing the Central Florida area for more than 20 years. The club which trains in Altamonte Springs has produced numerous individual and team national champions while promoting active, healthy lifestyles and community service.   More information about the Glider’s history, accomplishments, events, and community outreach programs can be found at


2014 Track Season Summary

Practice started in February and continued through April when the Gliders began to compete in local meets. At the end of April, the Gliders hosted its 22nd Annual Spring Track Classic, which was attended by athletes from all over Florida and several records were broken. The Gliders also had one senior athlete that qualified and competed at the USA Indoor National Championships in Albuquerque, NM.

  •  In May, high school Gliders competed in the regional and state championships and several Gliders were named to the Central Florida High School Track Honor Roll. Later in May, the team competed in the Golden South and other local meets in the central Florida area. In the beginning of June, a college Glider earned a 6th place medal at the NCAA Division I Championships in Eugene, Oregon. Also in June, the Gliders competed at the AAU district meet in Kissimmee and the USATF Qualifier in Jacksonville, where the club qualified over 20 athletes for the AAU Regional Championship in Jacksonville and the USATF regional championship in Rock Hill, NC. This regional championship now includes Georgia and South Carolina where the club qualified one athlete to the USATF nationals in Huston, TX. At the AAU regional, the Gliders qualified 12 individual athletes and one relay team to the AAU Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa. In the second week of July, several Gliders won several medals and the club qualified some additional athletes for the nationals at the AAU Club Nationals at Disney.At the end of the July, the Gliders 11 athletes competed in the AAU National Track & Field Championships in Des Moines, Iowa where the club earned 9  national medals including a national championship title and our 4x800m 14 year old relay team earned a 5th place finish. In August, the Gliders concluded the season with the annual picnic at Rock Springs Park, where the athletes and coaches were recognized.
    Many thanks go to the Track Shack, Publix, Digital Risk, Glatting Foundation, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and many other supporters that made this track season possible.


Gliders Medal at the 2014 AAU Junior Olympic Games

Congratulations to all the Gliders that qualified for and competed at the 2014 AAU Junior Olympics 7/26/2014 to 8/2/2014 in Des Moines, IA. Special mention to the following medalists (top 8 finish):

AAU National Championships-Jr Olympic – Organization License

           2014 AAU JO Games – 7/26/2014 to 8/2/2014

                         Drake Stadium

               Drake University – Des Moines, IA

Event 112  Boys 3000 Meter Race Walk 13 years old


    National: N 14:44.76  7/29/2007     Tyler Sorensen, Lafayette,

    Name                    Year Team                    Finals



  1 Juan Moscoso              01 Longwood, FL          15:33.78

Event 93  Girls 3000 Meter Run 12 years old


    National: N 10:17.00  7/29/2013     Tatum Castillo, Prosper, TX

    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  H#



  6 Ashley Klingenberg        02 Altamonte Springs,    11:08.98   2

Event 81  Girls 1500 Meter Run 12 years old


    National: N 4:41.14  8/3/2010      Danae Rivers, Derby, CT

    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  H#



  8 Ashley Klingenberg        02 Altamonte Springs,     5:09.87   3

Boys 800 Meter Run 12 years old



    National: N 2:07.84  1992        Rudy DeLosSantos, Eagle Pass, TX

    Name                    Year Team                    Seed     Finals  H#



  8  1181 David Manning       02 Oviedo, FL           2:22.33    2:21.05   6

Event 267  Boys 4×800 Meter Relay 14 years old


    National: N 8:13.90  8/3/2012    Miami Gardens Xpress TC, Miami

                         M Brown, R Champlin, E Hogan, D Hylton

    Team                                                 Finals  H#



  5 Central Florida Gliders  ‘A’                        9:00.29   2

     1) Cj Goodyear 00                  2) Joab Francois 00

     3) Marcus Guy 00                   4) Paul Stafford 00

Event 8  Boys 100 Meter Dash 11 years old


    National: N 12.04  2004        Walter Williams, Detroit, MI

    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Wind



  7 Chandler Smith            03 Atamonte Springs, F      13.05   1.8 13.050  


2013 Track Season Summary

Practice started in February and continued through April when the Gliders began to compete in local meets. At the end of April, the Gliders hosted its 21st Annual Spring Track Classic, which was attended by over 750 athletes. In addition to the traditional, large contingent of young athletes from Florida and the southeast, we had greater representation in the Open division, and international participation increased. The latter included athletes from the UK, Caribbean, Africa, Canada, Finland and Germany with some trying to obtain marks for World Championship trial qualifying meets. Several athletes that were in our meet also competed in the recent World Championships in Russia.

In May, high school Gliders competed in the regional and state championships with one Glider capturing a third-place finish at state. Several Gliders were named to the Central Florida High School Track Honor Roll. Later in May, the team competed in the Golden South and the BAYTAF meet in Clearwater. In June the Gliders competed at the AAU National Qualifier in Jacksonville, and the USATF qualifier at Lake Brantley, where the club qualified over 20 athletes for the USATF regional championship in Winter Park. This regional championship now includes Georgia and South Carolina. At both regionals, the Gliders qualified eight individual athletes and one relay team to the USATF Junior Olympics track & field nationals in Greensboro, NC, and the AAU Nationals in Ypsilanti (Detroit), MI.
In the second week of July, several Gliders won medals and qualified for the nationals at the AAU Club Nationals at Disney. Additionally, a Glider won a major AAU college scholarship.

On the collegiate level, a Glider defended his conference title, while two qualified for the regional NCAA Championships in Greensboro. At the end of the July, the Gliders had four athletes compete in the USATF track and field championships in Greensboro, resulting in two individual medals and a relay team silver medal. In Detroit, the same relay team captured the bronze medal along with three individual national medals. In August, the Gliders concluded the season with their annual picnic at Rock Springs Park, where the athletes and coaches were recognized. Of note, two of the Glider coaches obtained Level II certification this summer.

Many thanks go to the Track Shack, Publix, Lake Brantley High School, Sanlando Park and many other sponsors and supporters that made this track season possible. Visit and our Facebook page for detailed results and pictures.

2013 CFG National Medalists

USATF National Jr. Olympic Track & Field Championships – Greensboro, NC
2nd Place Silver Medal – 4x800m Relay –Youth Boys
Alex Boucher, Joseph Fitzpatrick, Jaylen Rodriques, and Paul Stafford
Alex Boucher – 3rd Place Bronze Medal – 800 meters – Youth Boys Division
Alex Boucher – 5th Place – 1500 meters – Youth Boys Division

AAU National Jr. Olympic Track & Field Championships – Ypsilanti, MI
3rd Place Bronze Medal – 4x800m Relay –Youth Boys
Alex Boucher, Joseph Fitzpatrick, Jaylen Rodriques, and Paul Stafford
Alex Boucher – 4th Place – 1500 meters – Youth Boys Division
Joey Fitzpatrick – 5th Place – 1500 meters – Youth Boys Division
AJ McFarland – 8th Place – Discus – Young Men’s Division


2013 Track Season Schedule

(subject to change)

January 26 – UF Indoor meet for older and some high school athletes
March 9 – Track Shack Smile Mile – Baldwin Park, FL
March 30 – Gainesville Invitational meet for the experienced athletes
April 6 – National Hershey’s Qualifier – Orange Park (For ages 9-14; must pre-register by 3/29)
April 13 – Florida Elite Meet –  Kissimmee
April 20 – Savannah Cheetas meet – Savannah, GA
April 27 – Central Florida Gliders Spring Track Classic – Altamonte Springs, FL

May 4 – FL Runners MS Championship – Clearwater
May 11 –Young Achievers Meet – Jacksonville

June 8 – AAU District (Regional Qualifier) – Melbourne

June 14-16 – USATF Florida Championship – Lake Brantley High School 
June 14-16 – New Balance High School Nationals-Greensboro, NC 

June 20-23 – USA Jr Nationals & USA Nationals – Des Moines, IA
June 20-23 – AAU National Qualifier – UNF Jacksonville
June 25-30 – USATF Youth Outdoor & World Youth Qualifier –  Edwardsville, IL

June 29 – Sunshine State Games Track and Field Championships, Melbourne
July 4-7  – USATF National Qualifier – Winter Park High School, Orlando (must qualify with GA & SC)
July 6-14 – AAU Club Championships   Disney Wide World of Sports
July  22-28 – USATF Junior Olympic/National Championship – Greensboro, NC
July 28-August 3 – AAU Junior Olympic Games/National Championship – Ypsilanti (Detroit)

August 3 – Hershey National Championship – Hershey, PA

List of all Florida meets – Master Schedule

Track & Field Records & Result Links

AAU                              AAU National Jr. Olympic Games ResultsAAU National Jr. Olympic Games Records Girls | Boys  USATF                              USATF Junior Olympic Track & Field ResultsUSATF Junior Olympic Track & Field Records

USATF Junior National Records

USATF Junior World Outdoor Records

USATF Youth National Records

USATF Youth Outdoor Records

Central Florida Gliders Spring Track Classic Results

Youth World Records


2012 Track Season Summary

The Gliders began the season with practice starting in February this year, but didn’t have the kick-off registration meeting until the first week of March. Practice continued through March and April when the Gliders started competing in local meets. At the end of April, the Gliders hosted its 20th Annual Spring Track Classic which was attended by over 700 athletes from Florida and the southeast. Since it was an Olympic year, we had a lot more athletes in the Open division trying to get Olympic trial marks. This year we had a bigger international field with athletes from the UK, Caribbean, Africa, Canada and Germany. As a result, many meet records were broken.

In May, high school Gliders competed in the district, regional and state championships with several Gliders named to the Central Florida Track Honor Roll. Later in May, the team competed in the Golden South and the annual Baytaf Classic in Clearwater. In June the Gliders competed at the CoachO meet at Lake Brantley, the AAU National Qualifier in Jacksonville, and the USATF qualifier at Lake Brantley where the club won several regional championships and qualified over 20 athletes for the USATF Jr Olympics track and field nationals in Baltimore, MD and the AAU Nationals in Houston. We had two college Gliders qualify for the regional and national NCAA Championships which were in Jacksonville and Des Moines, Iowa respectively. We also had one athlete win a USA Jr. National 1st place Gold medal championship and qualified to represent the US at the Jr. World Championships in Saransk, Russia. In the second week of July, several Gliders won medals at the AAU Club Nationals at the Disney Wide World of Sports.

At the end of the July, the Gliders had 12 athletes compete in the USATF Jr. Olympics track & field Championships in Baltimore, MD., winning 4 medals including a Gold Medal National Championship Title. In August, the Gliders concluded the season with the annual picnic at Rock Springs Park where the athletes and coaches were recognized.

Many thanks go to the Track Shack, Kohls, Publix, Albertson’s and a host of other sponsors that made this track season possible. Visit our web site and our Facebook page for detailed results and pictures.

The Gliders Coaching and Management Staff

2011 Track Season Summary

The Gliders began the season with our kick-off meeting in March and practice started later in the second week. In May, high school Gliders competed in the district, regional and state championships with several Gliders named to the Central Florida Track Honor Roll.

The Gliders again hosted the 19th Annual Spring Track Classic which was attended by over 700 athletes and over 13 records were broken. Later in May, the team competed in the annual BAYTAF Classic in Clearwater. In June the Gliders competed at the CoachO meet at Lake Brantley and then next week the AAU National Qualifier in Jacksonville where the club won several regional championships and qualified 23  athletes for the AAU Jr. Olympics in New Orleans. Earlier in the spring, one of our athletes competed internationally in the race walk at the Pan American Games and also the Jr. Nationals setting record times. We also had a college Glider win Gold in the triple jump at the Junior Nationals and a spot on the USA International team. At the end of June at the USATF Youth Outdoor Nationals in Myrtle Beach, SC., the Gliders earned 4 medals with 2 Gold medals in the race walk events. In the second week of July, several Gliders won medals at the AAU Club Nationals at Disney and more of our athletes qualified for the AAU Jr. Olympics.

At the end of the July, the Gliders had 15 athletes compete in the AAU Jr. Olympics in New Orleans, winning 7 medals including 2 Gold Medal National Championship Titles. In August, the Gliders concluded the season with the annual picnic at Rock Springs Park where the athletes and coaches were recognized.

Many thanks go to Altamonte Springs Recreation, Track Shack, Kohls, Publix,  and a host of other sponsors that made this track season possible. Visit for pictures and detailed results.
